Sunday, June 17, 2007

Toddler Activity List

Making bird feeders

Father's Day Craft '07

Well, last week certainly didn't start out well. My toddler wasn't sleeping very well which threw off wake up times and nap times, which of course threw off the entire day. SO, it was very hard to stick to a schedule, but we managed and at least accomplished our activities for the week (as you can see by some of the pictures I posted). Emily has been sleeping better now (which means I have been too) so I am hoping that this week we really get into our new routine. Here's how our week looks:

Monday~ Play dough play and cooking in the kitchen (we'll be making Banana Bread)

Tuesday~ Bible Story Day: We'll be learning about Noah and learning the song "Arky, Arky" (or at least the chorus)
Wednesday~ Craft Day: We'll be taking old magazines, cutting out pictures of animals and making a collage

Thursday~Play date with Vienna at the park

Friday~ Beach day (last week weather didn't work out, so we'll try this again)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yummie!!! I think i will just copy your meal plan. I tried doing the same thing it worked wonderful, but i got lazy. I like the ideas on the kid activity. Where do you get all the wonderful ideas...:-)