Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toddler Tuesday

It's toddler time! I've been trying to think of ways that I can include Emily and make her feel a special part in the arrival of her new baby sister. My mom gave me the idea a few weeks ago to have Emily make her hand prints and we can frame them and put them in the baby's room as a gift from Em to her sister. So, I loved it and went ahead and bought some poster board, red paint (baby's room will be decorated in red), and a frame. We did the artwork project a few different ways. First I just had Emily do her left and right hand prints, then I let her make whatever she wanted, and lastly I did a collage of her hand prints. Now, I can't decide which one to put in the frame and hang in her room! So, I'm enlisting the help of all of you out there! Which one do you like the best?

Here is the artwork:

This is the frame I'll be using. Just a plain white border. And, although it looks huge in the picture, the frame is only an 8x10.

What kind of things did you do to prepare your toddler for the arrival of his/her sibling? We have a book we read through that talks about the experience, and I'm also making Em a shirt that says "I'm the big sister" to wear to the hospital. I'm always looking for new ideas and would love to hear what you have done or plan to do. As always, link up with Mr.Linky or leave a comment! Don't forget to tell me which artwork you like best! Have a terrific Tuesday!


KerryBear said...

I say go with the top one cuz although there is really no pic it really describes Em best to her new sister. :):) Its what she wanted to do for her sister. :):) Just my thoughts Can't wait to see what you decied.

Jules said...

I LOVE the top one, because it is what she did herself for her new baby sister! We did something similar with Claire when I was 8 months pregnant with Lily. We let her do a "letter" to sissy and framed it with her drawings and handprints and footprints. She LOVED it and we hung it over the crib so Lily could see it every morning. Lily LOVES it too! It's the first thing she looks for (it's VERY bright) Hope you have a safe delivery! :o)


Just me said...

I say the top one too. I have a cool picture framed that Russell did at school, and it's just little paint blobs. (They held a paint brush, stood above the paper, and let the paint drip wherever they wanted it) I framed it and it's awesome. I think the abstract thing is cool cuz it shows where the child is at, at this age.

Besides, it was Em's painting for her sister, with no rhyme or reason, I think that's why I like it. It's like my thought process.... no rhyme or reason! lol. :)

Mary said...

Go buy 2 more frames and hang all 3. They are all great! But if you had to do only 1, I agree... the top one is the bestest cause it's an origeeeeenal! (said with french accent).

Mary said...

Oh and re: ideas for when Baby 2 arrives... Vienna brought a doll to the hospital and had her own baby. We "nursed" our babies together and it was sooo sweet. One friend bought their daughter a new doll w/doll carrier. So there's an idea too.

Michelle said...

I think the top one gets it. I love it it's a great idea. It will look so cute in the babies room. I am sure Em will be very proud of it to.;-)