Thursday, February 4, 2010

Organization Challenge

OK, so I am a few days late getting this up, but this month I will be participating in Organizing Junkie's 28 day challenge. We have a room downstairs that has just been out of control since the day we moved in just over 6 months ago and this is just the sort of motivation I need to get moving and get this room organized. Right now it serves multiple purposes and that's the first thing that I will be tackling. In this post, OrgJunkie directed us to a list of questions that you can ask yourself to help organize your space. Number one on the list was: What do I want the purpose of my room or area to be? Right now this room is functioning as play room, guest room, and Samuel's room. We would like it to serve as just a play room/guest room. This month I'll be working on getting Sam into his own room upstairs, which means getting the girls in the same room together. I'll also be tackling the organization in the closet and tackling the toy overflow. Alright, on to the embarrassing before photos:

If you want to join in visit OrgJunkie.

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