Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why Homeschool

As most of you know by now we have decided to home school our daughter Emily for kindergarten this year. While some received the news with enthusiasm and great words of encouragement there were still many others who were less than pleased to hear about our choice. It shouldn't have surprised me the opposition that we faced from some, and honestly it shouldn't have made me skip a beat, but it did. It's hard to watch others' negative reactions to a choice we made in the best interest of our daughter. I wrestled for a long time about even writing this post because I feel like I really don't need to explain my reasons to anyone. Family and friends who love us should understand we want what is best for our children and that should be enough. And that's just it. That's what finally convinced me to put this to paper.

~Why are we homeschooling?

~ The answer: beyond a shadow of a doubt we are convinced that this is the best choice for our daughter Emily this year. It's that simple.

Are there a whole bunch of reasons behind our big decision? Absolutely. But you know, none of those really matter. What does matter is that we have been entrusted a beautiful little life (three now to be exact!) and we believe we are making well informed decisions in the best interest of our children to allow them to grow to their fullest potential.

~Pictures of our classroom and our full first week coming on Friday~


Kathy said...

Amen to that! Over the years we've had some mixed reactions as well ... mostly good from ppl who truly know and love us and mostly bad from ppl who are strangers or just aquaintences {sp?} ... anyway, I appreciate your thoughts. I always say that we're doing what we feel the Lord has led us to do. =)

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

Way to stick to your guns. :)

Dad said...

Daughter dear, you and Stewart continue to fill my life with joy and love. Mom and I are so proud of you and the decisions you have made in your journey together, and the Love and caring you constantly show for your family. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord our God and he will continue to bless you and all your decisions. Glad the first week of school went so well.

Anonymous said...

Always remember if you feel it is right between you and the Lord and your husband too, it is!!!
You have the holy spirit,Amen.
You owe no explanation.

jessgrtn said...

All that matters is that you're doing what's best for your child!

Anonymous said...

Sweet site, I hadn't come across previously during my searches!
Carry on the good work!

valerie said...

i love that the title of "why homeschool?" and then you go on to not really explain why, other than it's what's best for your family. what better reason than that? :)