Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Giving this a go...

Well today I have joined the world of blogging. I'm still not quite sure what I've gotten myself into, but I'm going to give it a try! I will be using this blog to share about my everyday life so that relatives/friends can stay updated on all the many changes that go on around here. I will also be sharing things that touch my heart, encourage or inspire me. I've been enjoying reading some other blogs on a daily basis that have really encouraged me and given me many new ideas. I hope to offer the same for all who read. Well, I'll be starting off slow here, but we'll see if I can get the hang of this in a couple of weeks!


Kathryn Lynn said...

Hey!! I'm so glad you have joined the blogging community! I find it rather theraputic... though I never write about anything of substance :)

KerryBear said...

Shes right I never write about anything deep and meaningful but I usually feel better after I write it!! :)

In Light of the Truth... said...

Welcome to bloggy world! I just joined a few months ago, and it's really been so encouraging and motiving while providing a great sense of community with other SAHMs! There's so much to help you center your thoughts on Christ throughout your week--Thankful Thursday (make a list of things you're thankful for), also on Thursdays I post a new memory verse for the week (I have done about 5 verses so far, and it's really been helping me, so feel free to join in), there's an online Bible study series with new lessons on Wednesdays, Faith Lifts (daily reflective articles), and special things like this 30-Day Challenge we're in the middle of now! I hope you find it equally encouraging! Let me know if you have any questions!