Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thankful Thursday

As I was reading some blogs this week I stumbled upon an article about some Chinese women who were forced into abortions because this was their second child. (To read the full article, visit here.) Apparently this is a routine practice that goes on over there! I had no idea such things went on in other parts of the world and I am completely blown away. So, this week I am just praising the Lord that I live in a country where I have so many freedoms! Relating to pregnancy: I am thankful for my ultrasound appt. yesterday. We took Emily to see the baby and she did really well. The baby is growing great and it was such a blessing to see moving all over the place. We got a good look at her little feet, so precious!
I am just so thankful to be living in this country and able to worship my Lord freely!
For more Thankful Thursday participants, visit Iris at Sting my Heart.


ellen b. said...

thanking God with you. Blessings on your growing family...

Unknown said...

Glad that all is well with that litte person inside you. Aren't sonograms now days AMAZING????
God bless!

Aunt Angie said...

Praying for a safe healthy delivery! God bless you--enjoyed your post today!