Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Baby To Do List: #27

Last night I knocked off #27 from my "things to do before baby # 2 arrives" list. I organized my notes into four separate binders with colorful file folders dividing each section in each binder. Woo hoo! I had been using just one three ring binder for all my notes; prayer, devotions, book notes, scheduling, parenting, housecleaning, etc. Now I have four very nicely organized three ring binders so that when I print out a devotional I've read on-line, or find some useful housecleaning info in a magazine, I have a specific place for it which does not include stuffing it into a folder in an already packed notebook to file later. Yay! My goal before Monday is to cross off numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. That may seem like a lot, but they are small jobs that really need to be taken care of. So, here's hoping that Monday I'll have a lengthy post about all that I accomplished this weekend!

P.S. I updated the baby to do list today, so there no longer is a #27...... in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

Jules said...

This is a great idea, Amy! I love the 4 binder thing! I also had too much stuff crammed into one big binder that just kept getting harder to close! I am going to buy more binders this weekend and get this done. My main goal Saturday is to get my housekeeping and parenting binders together and then put together 1 binder for devotionals and things of that sort. Hey, come by my blog, I have an award for you! :o)
