Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Labor Story : Part 1

So, let's start at the beginning. At my 39 week check-up, I knew that if my cervix was favorable (which it had been since 37 weeks) they were going to schedule me to be induced. I have a blood clotting factor (heterozygous Factor 5 Leiden) which there is little (but growing) research on, so they wanted the baby out before 40 weeks to reduce the risk of a stillborn. We left being told that they would schedule me for the end of the week, or possibly even tomorrow. When we got home I got the call that they weren't able to fit me in at the hospital until Dec. 3rd, my due date, which was still 6 days away! Now I know what you're thinking, 6 days, no big deal right? Wrong. To a 39 week pregnant woman fearing the risk of a stillborn, this is an eternity. Not to mention we had the 2 miscarriages before this pregnancy so I was feeling like I had been pregnant for an eternity. So, of course I immediately broke down and I let my anxiety get the best of me. What happened to Philippians 4:6-8? I should have just handed it straight to God, but I struggle with things like that so it took me a bit to lay it down at His feet. Looking back, the hidden blessing is that Dec. 3rd was a Monday, so I was able to go to church the day before and chat with all the lovely ladies at NSBC about being induced. I was able to talk with quite a few women who had been induced themselves, which helped prepare me on what to expect. It was also just wonderful to be able to fellowship in His house one last time and to be encouraged by our whole church family. I came home after church feeling refreshed and prepared for the challenge ahead.

OK, so lets speed up to the actual day of labor/birth. So, I get checked into the hospital at 730AM on an empty stomach (why do they make pregnant women not eat before going through one of the toughest ordeals imaginable?), they start the IV and break my water. I was only 1-2cm, 50% effaced and the baby was still at -2 station. Contractions started, not too tough to handle, the nurse was pleasant and things seemed to be going well. I decided at about 10AM to get on the birthing ball. I was on that for a bit, which was nice. Being confined to the bed my rear was feeling like a ton of bricks and my legs were getting numb. Anyway, so I stand up and all of a sudden I feel water dripping down my hand. UGH. The IV wasn't placed right and they have to try to "fix" it. Can anyone tell me WHY they always try to "fix" something that they KNOW will not go back into place and will have to redo anyway? Seriously, she must have fished around with the bum tube in my vein for 5 minutes before getting someone to redo it. And just so you guys know why this is a huge deal, the IV is the part I dread the most about any hospital visit. So anyway, the hidden blessing is that the first IV was in an awful spot. You know that bone that juts out on your wrist? The woman had put the IV right above it and I could not move my hand and it hurt constantly. SO, it falling out actually was the best thing, because the woman who came in afterwards put it higher up on my arm and I was able to have free range of motion in my hand and the pain was really minimal. Of course, the downside was that the IV was my "lifeline" to the pitocin and contractions, so when it feel out we had to start back at square one. Bummer, but not a major set back. So, contractions start back up again, 12pm rolls around and the doctors change shifts. In walks the new doctor from our practice who is unbelievably arrogant and not my favorite at all. She inserts an internal contraction monitor (the pain feels like the worst internal exam imaginable) because I still had not dilated and they need to get the contractions "adequate". Apparently when they start you on pitocin they give you 12 hours to get into active labor before they consider the C-section. So, that whole episode stunk because now I'm confined to the bed for sure. You can't really get on a birthing ball with a catheter (and not a soft one either) sticking out in between your legs. So, back to the butt numbness for a couple more hours.....

Well, unfortunately I've got to get to bed. I've had this post started for almost a week now, so I feel like posting it and then finishing it later is the best thing to do. Enjoy part one, more to come later.....

1 comment:

Jules said...

Amy, this is so much like my labor story (so far) that it is uncanny! Except I didn't have the clot problem but I do have a problem with my horomones dropping unexpectedly out of control! Can't wait to hear the rest of your story. Love, Julie