Thursday, December 27, 2007

Labor Story : Part 3

OK, so I'm going to try to wrap this up quickly otherwise I will never get this all written down. We left of with me getting the epidural. So, I got the epidural and got some much needed relief. Unfortunately my body goes into the shakes every time I get one so I didn't quite get FULL relief. Anyone who has had the whole body shakes can understand what I mean. I got to relax for a bit longer and then the doctor came in and checked me around 730ish. I was 7-8cm and finally at +1 station and fully effaced. The doctor went off to get some dinner and predicted an arrival time of 1030PM or so. At around 8PM I started to feel the contractions again and felt a whole lot of pressure heading south. So, I called for the nurse, she rushed off to alert the doctor, get herself ready, and then came back in the check me. Sarah was coming out on her own and I was VERY ready to push. You would think that being in a maternity ward with women laboring all over that they would be ready for the pushing part, but oh no, 'Hold on until the doctor gets scrubbed and we set up the room' they say. Are you kidding me!? I've been laboring all day at this point, I feel an overwhelming urge to push and they are telling me to breathe through the contractions! Outrageous! So, I had to hold off and breath through the contractions until finally in walks the doctor and then I got to push. And wow, pushing really does stink. I couldn't wait to get to push because the feeling was so overwhelming, but then once I did I remembered how much the pushing hurts too! Ugh. But, 5 pushes/6 minutes later, Sarah had arrived. Her birth was really amazing. We actually got to see her coming out, which I always thought would gross me out, but it was truly amazing to watch. Stew got to cut the cord, which is something he missed out on with Emily because of miconium. She scored a 9 & 10 on the apgar test and everything was just so beautiful. I didn't tear too bad and the doctor who delivered and stitched was top notch. He wasn't my usual doctor, he was from another group, but he made me feel as if I was his one and only patient. He was amazing and the whole experience was so wonderful largely due to his care. The Lord sure knows what he is doing. His timing is truly perfect and I am so overwhelmed and blessed with being a mom of two now. I have all I've waited for and I could not ask for more. I'll be posting more about my new life as a mom of two in the days to come. Thanks for sticking with my LONG labor story and THANK YOU to so many of you who prayed me through Sarah's delivery. I could not have done it without the Lord's help!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Did you push the same amount with Em? If it was shorter with Sarah it gives me hope..:-) Connor was 3 1/2 hrs of pushing I swear I pushed it had to close to 200 times..:-) I need to get you number so we can catch up at least once a week...