Monday, January 21, 2008

Menu Plan Monday : I'm Back!

I'm BAAaaaaack!! For those of you who pop in to visit from OrgJunkie's website, we welcomed Sarah Joy, our second child and daughter, into the world on 12/3/07. It's been a big adjustment and a little rocky at times, but dare I say that Sarah seems to be turning a corner and some routine is falling into place! I've actually had time to PLAN my week and the rest of my month! Ah, it feels so good to be back.

If I can ask you all a favor? It appears that Sarah is milk intolerant and I am breastfeeding. So I have had to cut out dairy completely from my diet. If any of you out there have some good dairy-free recipes and could pass them along to me it would be greatly appreciated!

Monday~ Roasted chicken and lasagna

Tuesday~ Burgers, tater tots and veggies

Wednesday~ A meal courtesy of Sarah (THANKS!)

Thursday~ Steak, baked potatoes and veggies

Friday~ Chicken terriyaki, rice and veggies

Saturday~ Kabobs with rice

Sunday~ Taco Bell and leftovers

Desserts: Jell-O and Banana bread

For more delicious recipes, visit I'm an Organizing Junkie.


kelly said...

sounds great! congrats! no dairy-free tips, sorry-good luck!

Jules said...

Your menu sounds yummy! I don't have any dairy-free recipes, though. Sorry. It sounds like you have some good stuff planned, anyway! The taco bell sounds especially good right now and the closest one is an hour away! :o( Maybe I will have to make a trip this week, lol.

Praying for you to continue to get good sleep!


Sarah said...

You can totally link to my politics rant. I don't mind at all! :)